
Monday Ladies - League

Pos Pos Team Team Played Pld Won W Lost L Drawn D For F Against A Difference Dif Points Pts
I'd hit that 16 14 2 0 1,022 661 361 73
Slap n Bash 15 11 4 0 1,079 632 447 66
Tickle My Volleyballs 14 10 4 0 872 669 203 58
Unsafe Sets 12 5 7 0 569 696 -127 28
5 Gucci Sandbags 16 3 13 0 752 941 -189 28
6 We Need More Monkeys 16 3 12 1 710 1,153 -443 27
7 The Herd 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

How do the points work?

Not sure about how you’re getting all these points and what they mean?